How to Naturally Treat Sleep Apnea at Home?

 One of the most prevalent sleep diseases, sleep apnea affects almost 100 million people globally. It is a sleep disorder that makes breathing difficult during night. Age and obesity are two risk factors for this illness, which has the potential to be devastating. This condition may even be present in some persons who are completely unaware of it. One of the most well-liked therapies bongo for sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure, or Bongo CPAP therapy. If you have sleep apnea or have recently received a diagnosis, it may be time to learn more about the condition and its possible treatments.

How Common Is Sleep Apnea?

The biological makeup of your throat muscles may play a role in OSA, and certain people with lung or heart conditions may also suffer it. But the most frequent causes of sleep apnea are those related to lifestyle and behaviour. Obesity, ageing, and lifestyle factors including consuming alcohol, smoking, and using sedatives can all contribute to sleep apnea.

Changes in lifestyle for sleep apnea

Traditional sleep apnea treatments involve using a BongoCPAP mask at night. Even though it works, some people find this approach unsettling. Some natural therapies might provide the same advantages. Here are some different methods for treating sleep apnea:

1.Keep a healthy weight

Obesity is one of the main risk factors for developing sleep apnea. According to studies, reducing body weight by just 10% can help with sleep apnea symptoms. In certain circumstances, losing more weight can potentially cure sleep apnea.
2.Try Yoga

You can improve your respiratory resistance and enhance blood flow by engaging in regular exercise.

Sleep apnea is associated with decreased oxygen saturation in your blood. Yoga can improve your oxygen levels through its various breathing exercises. As a result, yoga reduces the amount of sleep interruptions you may experience.

3. A different position for sleeping

When they sleep on their backs, some people only have OSA symptoms. In these situations, using a wedge cushion or other device while sleeping on your side can significantly reduce symptoms. Bongo Nasal Epap relieves pressure on the person's diaphragm and chest, allowing the airway to stay open.

4. Avoid alcohol and smoking

Alcohol relaxes the breathing muscles in your throat. This may cause snoring and sleep cycle interruptions. Additionally, it may cause inflammation in your airways, which would prevent airflow.

Similar to drinking alcohol, smoking can aggravate airway inflammation and edoema. This may make your sleep apnea and snoring worse.

5. Using oral devices

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, these are oral devices that are fitted specifically for you to wear while you sleep. They keep your tongue and lower jaw in a posture that is better for airflow and prevent the airway from closing. When Bongo CPAP therapy causes discomfort, oral appliances are typically suggested.

What is the prognosis?

Sleep apnea symptoms might be lessened with a few natural cures and lifestyle adjustments. Traditional medical approaches shouldn't be disregarded, though. bongo nasal epap are the treatments for this illness.


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